Monday, March 3, 2014


Greetings! I have finally, after much deliberation, decided to create a travel blog. The main purpose of this blog is as a personal journal of my travels both in the US and abroad, but I will also sprinkle it with travel tips and advice aimed at the solo budget traveler.
Well, now that we've got the statement of purpose out of the way, it's time to tell you a bit about myself : my name is Rachel and I'm a 24 (soon to be 25) year-old resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was born in Alexandria, Scotland, and grew up in various military bases around the United States. I attribute my wanderlust to my early nomadic lifestyle (something that I'm sure other military brats will sympathize with). I am in a relationship with a wonderful (and brilliant) guy named Charch, and we live in the (locally) infamous South Side. I am currently working as an assistant manager at a local dry cleaners, trying to save for school and airfare and everything else. Exciting, I know.
As I'm sure you can imagine, I'm not exactly wealthy. My lack of funds hasn't stopped me from travelling, though, and that is the main inspiration for this blog. My goal is to help and inspire other "low income" travelers to see the world.
If you happen to stumble across my little corner of the internet, I want to give you a hearty thanks for staying long enough to read what I have to say. Happy travels!

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